I can work this way because its my way of relaxing and I treat it as a pastime and a vital escape from reality for a while. It's not how I make my living, if it was I would probably starve. If I had to meet deadlines and satisfy current trends then it would become a job and maybe its something I could do but it's unlikely I am going to have EMI knocking on my door anytime soon. So for now the key words are, self indulgence and satisfaction and if anyone else appreciates my efforts then that's a bonus.
Talking of art, some of the worlds greatest artists have been known to re-visit a painting they were unhappy with, or thought they could improve in some way. We know that many a great iconic image has been painted on a previously used canvas while the original painting that the artist may have spent many days working on has presumably been lost forever. We know this when old masters have been scanned and found to have other works underneath! Presumably the artist considered their attempts were not good enough to present to their critics or patrons, or maybe it was simply that the cost of the canvas exceeded the value perceived by the artist. Having been in the position of choosing whether to record over a used 1/2 inch 8 track tape or pay at out for a new reel I can say that sometimes economy won the argument.....who knows what masterpieces I have erased over the years!
Now, I am not comparing myself to the Great Masters in any shape or form, (although I do have an O Level in art) but I do share this obsession in finishing a work to a high enough standard to withstand any inspection or crticism....but here lies the problem.
We set ourselves a very high benchmark but, when you are creating something unique and personal , how do you or anyone else judge it....and what do you judge it against. Do we know if anyone told Van Gogh that his Starry Night stars didn't resemble any Stars that had actually been seen in the night sky of Earth or that Monet's Water Lilies looked a little like algae on a stagnant pond or that L S Lowry's characters looked like matchstick men....ok I concede that someone may have commented on that similarity. What I am trying to say Is that this quest for perfection is pointless and impossible to attain because everyone's idea of perfection is different . Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and we see and hear what our mind tells us regardless of how anyone else's mind perceives the same subject. We all get our kicks in our own personal way and that's what makes us human and fallible.....But I already know this so why do I still seek that Holy Grail of perfection?
Modern recording technology enables me to make a lot of changes to my recordings but that quick & easy fix can also lead to the door of Temptation that opens into what I call "The Tweaking Room". Now this door should have a warning stating "Abandon hope all ye who enter" as once you have been drawn within you may never leave! Once you enter and place those headphones on your head and start to caress those faders you are hooked and you can only go on until you are matter how long it takes! To quote Winston Churchill "if you find yourself in Hell....keep going!"
Ok, I've said my bit and consider yourselves warned, but will you follow this advice....Will I ?
I therefore conclude that any of us so called "creative types" have a certain gene that makes us want to create things. Furthermore, those creations need to meet certain criteria, but we don't yet know what the criteria is. Unfortunately this "creative" gene doesn't appear to have a set instructions to follow nor a panic button that will allow us to simply stop!..... So, we persevere in our quest for perfection and eventually hope we fall, stumble or leap across the finishing line and discover we have Accomplished, Attained, Finalised, Concluded and Mastered that last great work and shout (with no confidence whatsoever)........
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